Netflix documentaries about food work overtime to send home a pointed nutrition message. Unless we are immediately convinced into a new restrictive eating pattern after watching a food doc, we might feel stuck. What the heck am I supposed to eat now?
Several years ago, a Netflix documentary suggested eating an egg was equivalent to smoking a cigarette. Just imagine being an egg!!
You're existing, vibing, living your egg life. First comes the egg vilification of the low-fat nineties. Then your Weight Watchers point value sky rockets, drops to zero at one point, and then gets split depending on yolks or whites.
Along comes a Netflix doc, and you're equated to cancer. It's giving Eggland's Worst 😫.
Want more information? read the truth about eggs and cholesterol.
Apply for our virtual coaching program for Inside Out program and learn to support your cholesterol with a non-diet approach.