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Nov 21, 20244 min read
"Body Image Blues? How to Navigate Triggers and Find Support This Holiday Season
Have you ever had one of those rough body image days and confided in a friend, partner, or roommate about it, only to be met with...

Nov 21, 20243 min read
Is the fear of failure holding you back from making sustainable habits?
TL;DR: No one likes doing things they're bad at, right? What if you stuffed your fear of failure and your perfectionism in your back...

Nov 21, 20244 min read
10 ways out of a food rut
TL;DR: Food ruts, especially in the summer, can really suck. My best advice? Lean into 'shiny object' syndrome' to invite yourself out of...

Sep 17, 20242 min read
a dietitian’s approach for finding joy in difficult seasons of life
TL;DR: Life feels so heavy sometimes. So heavy you might wonder, what's the point of carrying it all? I encourage you to remember the joy...

Sep 13, 20243 min read
can I improve my mental health on Instagram? Don't let diet content kill your confidence
TL;DR: No matter how loud they may seem, your insecurities cannot be guessed just by looking at you. You can set yourself up for...

Sep 13, 20245 min read
can you get back on track with nutrition and exercise with an anti-diet approach?
TL;DR: Haven't exercised in a while? Feeling caught up in work? Not taking time for yourself? Your all-or-nothing thinking might say the...

Sep 9, 20242 min read
how to quit stressing about getting your nutrition labs done
i'm getting my labs done this week It's common for your weight and lab results to feel like a report card for your eating and movement...

Mar 23, 20243 min read
should you take a magnesium supplement?
if you know New Orleans, you know it's a chronic construction site. lucky for long-distance runners, that means porta potties abound....

Jun 22, 20233 min read
reframes for trying on clothes
shopping for clothes can just, well... suck. three years ago today i moved to new orleans [!] with all my belongings, including a ton of...

Jun 22, 20233 min read
3 reasons it's hard to keep a routine
"i know what i need to do... i just never do it!" we've all uttered that sentence before, right? y'all, of course i know how to put my...

Jun 11, 20233 min read
alcohol and your body
are you a cocktail person? 🍸 admittedly, i was not a cocktail person until i moved to new orleans. it's not the taste of them so much it...

Jun 8, 20232 min read
dieting on the down low | i lied about cake
so, i lied about cake 🍰 i come from a family of birthday people. i credit my mom, mostly. when it was your birthday, you picked your...

Jun 8, 20233 min read
getting back on track | a non-diet way
what happens when it doesn't all happen? weddings. festivals. travel. work events. unexpected plans. another round of pollen bombs...

Nov 24, 20223 min read
finding joy in movement that doesn't feel so joyful
when someone presents the idea of 'joyful movement,' where does your head go? for some, it feels like a sigh of relief, a fresh...

Mar 8, 20222 min read
about maria
WELL HELLO THERE! Let's be friends 🤗 To me, nutrition is 50 shades of gray, one size fits one. My goal as a dietitian is to guide you...
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