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the ultimate non-dieter's dilemma to weight loss


this is the ultimate non-dieter's dilemma

bagel sandwich

Do you know the number one thing our new clients this year nervously, shyly asked us? We actually hosted our own professional development for our team on this specific dilemma for clients who are done with dieting: 

"I am not interested in dieting again, but I still want to lose weight. It feels wrong. Is this okay?"

Yes, friend- this is not only okay, it is normal and valid. 

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I don't think we should shame ourselves or others for desiring weight loss. It is what we are taught will make us happy, healthy, fit, and successful. 

Weight loss and thinness are tied to belonging and acceptance. Some of you know this all too well, attending your first Weight Watchers meeting with a parent in elementary or middle school or uncomfortably shopping for your first high school dance in the women's department, not the junior's. 

Or, quite simply, noticing that people treat you differently when your body is smaller than it once was. 

So, my dear sweet friend, if this is your dilemma, just know that I get it. It can make this time of year so painfully frustrating: you don't want to buy in, but you kinda want to buy in sometimes. You wonder if there's a way to pursue intentional weight loss without getting caught on the hamster wheel or regaining the weight you lose. It's all tricky, and it's truly nuanced to the individual. 

I can't give you a 5-step solution to finding acceptance for this before 2025 (or before next week, if you're reading this mid-year). I can offer you a perspective that could help you sit in the discomfort of this dilemma and learn to do what is best for you. 

I'm sorry to report that this perspective yields frustration and success in no particular order. It is going to feel like a scam. I assure you, it could actually change your life. 

find your new year both/and affirmation

What if you approached this dilemma as an opportunity and not rabbit hole back to dieting? A both/and mindset is cumbersome to practice at first, however, it is essential for detaching from the either/or, black-and-white thinking that keeps you stuck. 

Yes, you could quit dieting and still have a dieter's all-or-nothing mindset!

Here are 13 both/and affirmations that I wrote for you, all things I've learned to hold with grace and patience. I know you can do it, too. 

  1. I can commit to both consistency AND flexibility—showing up for myself while honoring rest when I need it.

  2. I can trust myself to honor both my cravings AND my nutrient needs without guilt or shame.

  3. I can give myself permission to embrace both progress AND patience, knowing that growth doesn’t have to follow a straight line.

  4. I can support my body with both challenging workouts AND gentle movement, letting intuition guide my choices without self-judgment.

  5. I can practice both listening to my hunger AND honoring my fullness, trusting my body to lead the way.

  6. I can create both structure AND freedom in my meals—planning ahead while leaving room for joy and spontaneity.

  7. I can hold space for both confidence AND uncertainty, knowing that figuring things out is part of growth.

  8. I can celebrate both my progress AND where I am now, because both are worthy of acknowledgment.

  9. I can set both boundaries AND stay flexible, learning when to say no and when to say yes without guilt.

  10. I can lean into both self-compassion AND accountability, showing up for myself with care instead of criticism.

  11. I can value both big goals AND small wins, reminding myself that every step forward counts.

  12. I can allow myself to accept both care for myself AND support from others, knowing I don’t have to do it all alone.

  13. I can give myself space to feel both grief AND gratitude, honoring all my emotions without judgment.

Which ones stand out to you most, friend? Identify the numbers and comment below if you want some gentle support from yours truly. 

When you embrace a both/and mindset, you can begin to let go of all-or-nothing thinking and create space for balance, flexibility, and growth. 

This approach allows you to build habits that feel good and last because they’re rooted in self-trust, not perfection. 

It’s the foundation of a sturdy girl lifestyle—one that’s grounded, adaptable, and built for real life, not just the new year highlight reels you see on social media. If that's something you want to learn more about, you know I've gotchu with my next group. Get on the waitlist for the next Sturdy Girl Season.

We have a stellar sturdy team of registered dietitians ready to support you in a 1:1 environment. Our team does take insurance in many states and we accept self-pay. Interested? Apply for nutrition coaching here! 

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