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Jan 234 min read
the food talk, the diet gremlins, the body image monsters: quieting the brain chatter
TL;DR: If you’re stuck in the messy middle of unlearning diet culture and figuring out what comes next, start small. Take one actionable...

Sep 17, 20242 min read
get back on track using a non-diet approach
Let me reframe this weekly itch for you. You may not need to 'start over.' You might just need to know where to start . How many "I'll...

Sep 17, 20242 min read
are girl push-ups beneficial? The truth about exercise modifications
There's no such thing as girl push ups. What does that even mean, Brad? A girl can want to progress her push-up and not feel like every...

Jun 22, 20232 min read
everything you need to know about meal prep
let's talk meal prep mondays. while Tupperware was born way back in 1946, Google searches for the term 'meal prep' date back to 2013....

Jun 22, 20233 min read
what should i eat? 5 reframes for making up your mind
nutrition of addition is one of my favorite recommendations for folks looking to increase the nutrient density of a meal without feeling...

Jun 22, 20233 min read
reframes for trying on clothes
shopping for clothes can just, well... suck. three years ago today i moved to new orleans [!] with all my belongings, including a ton of...

Jun 22, 20233 min read
3 reasons it's hard to keep a routine
"i know what i need to do... i just never do it!" we've all uttered that sentence before, right? y'all, of course i know how to put my...

Jun 14, 20233 min read
5 mindset shifts for takeout and restaurant meals
Let's talk takeout... in a non-diet way. My sister recently moved to New Orleans, and as you know, with moving often comes a lot of...

Jun 11, 20232 min read
diet and body talk: holiday edition
what you need to hear sometimes it feels like we contain all the questions and all the problems, like a jumbled mess of a human. we may...

Jun 11, 20233 min read
alcohol and your body
are you a cocktail person? 🍸 admittedly, i was not a cocktail person until i moved to new orleans. it's not the taste of them so much it...

Jun 8, 20232 min read
dieting on the down low | i lied about cake
so, i lied about cake 🍰 i come from a family of birthday people. i credit my mom, mostly. when it was your birthday, you picked your...

Jun 8, 20233 min read
getting back on track | a non-diet way
what happens when it doesn't all happen? weddings. festivals. travel. work events. unexpected plans. another round of pollen bombs...

Jun 8, 20233 min read
protein, the most important macronutrient?
protein is the most important macronutrient, right? well, you know what answer is coming. it depends. are you healing from an injury or a...

Jun 6, 20231 min read
when your logical brain talks to your diet brain– 5 ways to shift your inner monologue
you may be years from your dieting days or just beginning to break up with food rules. either way conversations with your diet brain are...
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